
Friday 26 October 2012

Our local MP is looking for answers!

Hello reader,

I contacted my MP's Senior Caseworker with the email below.


Nicole called the UKBA on Tuesday late afternoon and a different person told her that we fall under the old rules as Nicole entered the UK on a visa issued before 9 July 2012.

This comes as a huge relief as you can imagine but I have to say we are very disappointed with the UKBA and the Home Office itself who also told us we would be subject to the new rules. The UKBA gave bad information out to Nicole, the East Lothian Courier, the Daily Express and to your office. So on four out of five occasions they were wrong when advising on the rules they are meant to know and understand. You have to wonder how many others have been and will continue to be put through unnecessary worry and distress?

I would like to thank you for your help and advice during both the fiance visa process and with this, it is very much appreciated.

Kind regards,



I was hoping that her office would not just let this go and follow up to find out how we were misinformed on so many occasions. Her response is below.

Dear John,

Many thanks for keeping me up-to-date.  I will make sure that Fiona is informed – she will be delighted by this news.  Fiona will also take this matter up with the Minister with regards to the process/confusion and as soon as she has received a response she will be in touch with you.

Wishing you and your wife a very happy future together.

Please do not hesitate to get back in touch should you have any other difficulties in the future or if you have any other issues which you wish to raise with Fiona.

Kind regards


Good news as far as we are concerned. Hopefully the UKBA will realise they need to take action with regards to how their staff are handling such enquiries. What is really worrying is that some people may have just accepted this bad information and already left the UK because of it.

Thank you for reading.


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